Thursday, November 22, 2007

Health and Wellness Product - antioxidants, ORAC , oh my!

Health and Wellness Product tries to make sense of antioxidants and ORAC.

In researching Xocai, the terms antioxidant and ORAC are tossed around. Simply put, antioxidants are chemical compounds that can bind to free oxygen radicals preventing these radicals from damaging healthy cells. ...... and ORAC, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (YIKES!) is the method to measure the antioxidant capacities of different foods.

The medical jury still seems to be out when discussing absolutes as far as whether antioxidants prevent cancer and heart disease, but it seems that many studies are leaning toward the power of the antioxidant.

One of the main factors in comparing the ORAC data is to insure that you are comparing similar units and food. In other words, while ounce per ounce chocolate may have a higher ORAC value, on the comparison of dry weight, we see blueberries have a higher ORAC value. The Acai berry has the highest ORAC value ever reported for a fruit or vegetable to this date, after converting values of fresh food weights to dry weights.

The three main ingrediants of the Xocai chocolate nugget are dark chocolate, blueberries and the acai berry. It may turn out that this a healthy product indeed.

Health and Wellness Product will continue its research.

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