Friday, December 14, 2007

Health and Wellness Product looks at Xocai Activ Drink

Health and Wellness Product will now take a look at each individual product from Xocai. The first one is Activ....the chocolate beverage. It comes in an attractive plastic bottle and is sent to the consumer in a dehydrated state to make for easier shipping. It will last for one year in this state if stored in a cool, dry spot. You "activate" the product with warm bottled water.

Xoçai Activ™ combines the flavors of unprocessed cacao, açai berries, blueberries and concord grapes and as the company states "leaves you with a lasting, “dark-chocolate” taste". I have tasted it and it is delicious! Actually, I wanted to drink more than the recommended one ounce!

The product does contain Crystalline Fructose as a sweetener. We researched this product and found out that it has a low glycemic index and results in moderate release of insulin to the bloodstream relative to glucose and sucrose. So that while it affects blood sugar levels, it does it in a way that meets the special needs of people with diabetes.

The previous research we have done shows that cacao, acai berries and blueberries are all high in antioxidants. From this study we have concluded that Xocai Activ does indeed deliver what it promises......a healthy chocolate beverage.

Health and Wellness Product will take a look at the other Xocai products in the coming days. It is always important to do your due diligence on any health product before consuming.

1 comment:

Nazarina A said...

Anything with acai has my vote.I have a post on my blog ( acai pop sickle) I'll take it anyway I can!
Glad I found your blog!